Monday, September 12, 2011

Ideas for Effecting Positive Change

"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

Please share any ideas you have for how you will effect a positive change in the world.


  1. I believe that even if you have improved one person’s life, you have made a difference, so no act of change is too small to count. Something as simple as giving someone a smile could brighten their day and improve it.
    Other ways on how to effect change could be to volunteer at places such as hospitals, and animal shelters.
    Recycling is positive because you are keeping the earth healthy for future generations.
    Being a good role model to little kids can also have a huge positive effect. If you have a little brother or sister that sees you do things such as volunteering or recycling ect. They will grow up learning to do these things too. This creates a whole new generation of people seeking a world filled with positivity.
    Kaylee E. OHDELA

  2. Honestly, im not sure how much of a change ill end up doing, but, i always wanted to help bring back the looks of the cars from the 50s-60s and bring it to today and tomorrows generation. so i guess that would be what id like to do.

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  4. There are so many ways to effect a positive change in the world. Even the small things are really making a big difference. By just simply recycling those old papers, or that empty jar of tomato sauce is making a difference. Another thing that is easy to do, but makes a difference is donate old clothing to a GoodWill or Salvation Army, by doing so, you are helping the less fortunate.

    Of course, there are bigger activities that effect positive change as well. For example, you could volunteer at an animal shelter or a soup kitchen, as well as go on a missions trip.

    There are so many different activities, big and small, that effect positive changes all over the world.

    For me personally, I plan on starting off small by donating old clothes and recycling. Eventually, probably after I graduate, I would love to be able to help others by taking the next step and volunteering at an animal shelter or going on a missions trip.

    ~ Theresa M.
    OHDELA, 12th Grade

  5. by donating to the redcross. and recycling more often then what i have done.

  6. I will effect a positive change in the world by being nicer to the people I encounter. You never know who's really at the end of their rope. If you meet someone and your attitude is something that gives them hope or something to hang on for then thats a big enough change in the world. So many people just need a hug or someone to talk to and by doing that for them I'm helping the world become a much happier place.

    Arianna W. - Ohdela

  7. There are so many ways to make positive change. you could go on mission trips to places without much and donate matrials and work. you could visit nursing homes, you could help out at a soup kitchen, you could donate old clothes. or evan make dinner for your family.

  8. I donate clothes that I'm not using and cant fit into anymore and I recycle everything that can be recycled.

  9. I also do what Isabelle said. And I usually help people out by babysitting for free when they need help.

  10. In order to change the world, you have to change your world. In order to make positive changes, you have to have a desire to. By simply wanting to change, you can create a desire in other people to change as well. People have to realize that what they do really makes a difference, even if they can't see it in that moment. I can make a positive change in my community by sharing my passion of music.

    Aubrey Liston
    OHDELA Grade 11

  11. Anyone can effect a positive change, whether they are helping out at a local homeless shelter or donating clothes to those in need. Sometimes even a smile or saying hello to someone can make a big difference. For me personally, I plan to go on more mission's trips. In July, I went to Romania with a group from church and helped out at an orphange for 10 days. It was the greatest experience of my life!! No matter how big or how small the deed is, you can still effect just as much postive change.

    Miciah Devantier
    OHDELA 11th Grade

  12. There are so many ways to effect positive change in the world, it would be impossible to list them all. Recycling, donating clothes, and volunteering are only a few. Anything you do to try and make a person's day bettter can be considered a positive change I think.
    Right now I volunteer with my church's 4th-grade sunday school class and go on missions trips with my youth group.

    Amy Fortunato
    OHDELA 11th grade

  13. Changing the world we live in can start with some of the smallest steps. So start small. By treating your siblings better, or someone that you don't necessarily like better. The small things can make a huge difference in your life. So lets make a change by treating others as we would like to be treated.

    Joshua M
    OHDELA, 11th grade

  14. To make a positive change in the world i think i will probaly donate to charities and give money to the cancer foundation

  15. Making a positive change doesn't always mean changing the entire world. If you can help just one person you're making a positive difference.
    ~ Falesha Long
    OHDELA 11th grade

  16. I think that being nice to people and keeping good karma is a way to positively change the world. If everyone thought like Gandhi the world would be a better place. He once said "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." I strongly believe in that statement. I try to follow it the best I can.

  17. Making a positive change can be anything from small to big, it doesn't matter what it is that you do to make a change because it still has an affect. You can donate clothes to Family Missions, or donate money to a foundation of your choice.

    Alyssa Nicolino
    Grade 11

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  19. I don’t know what I will be making in the future but I hope to donate money to the Children’s Hospital for helping me when I was young. Also I might start recycle when I have my own place, and I’ll donate to other places when I have the money. I would recycle but that is too much of a hassle these days. This is Stefani W.

  20. My ways that I am going to effect positive change are: Keep my website and blog updated and running for other people to read, educate themselves and if they choose spread the word about the environment, do simple things to help save natural resources like recycling, resuing containers and plastic silverware, turning off the water when I brush my teeth, and turning off the lights when I leave a room, educate others, and keep trying no matter how hard it gets, in the end I know I will recieve a positive result.

  21. Well let’s see you can volunteer or donate directly to causes you are adamant about. Perhaps causes related to the environment, animal rights, union workers rights, minority rights, preserving historic landmarks, solving world hunger, supporting the arts, supporting our troops, building homes for families in need and so much more.

    Maybe on a smaller scale you can do some recycling if your area has a recycling pick up or maybe just pick up trash lying around your neighborhood when you see it, use all resources wisely, donate your old clothes and items when you are done using them, smiling and making small talk with strangers (maybe…), and many more!

    Brie Hope
    Grade 12
    We gettin' it in!!

  22. There are many ways to make a difference. For example, you could volunteer at different organizations. You could volunteer at many different places. I volunteer at St. Elizabeth's New Life Center and at my parish's festival. If I continue to do these things, I will be making a difference. I can also make a difference by doing things like volunteering for a trash clean up.

    Emily Grogean

  23. I believe we should all join together to quit smoking so people have better health.

  24. I believe that i will have a positive effect in the world because i want to become a doctor and help other in the world.

    Alexis Virola
    grade 11th

  25. In order to effect positive change in my community, I will serve as a
    volunteer for The Closet Ministry. The Closet’s purpose is “to collect clothing
    and give it to families in need in the community.” The Warren extension of
    The Closet is set in an area that is currently economically depressed. By
    working with The Closet, I have the opportunity to help meet physical needs
    which shows people that someone cares for them.

    I will also be a part of planning and bringing “The Princess Within Purity
    Ball” into fruition. This is a night where
    young ladies who have committed
    themselves to abstinence until
    marriage will celebrate and be
    celebrated. It is a formal event, and
    the young ladies will be treated
    as royalty. I see this as a wonderful
    opportunity to show young ladies that
    they are loved, valued, and appreciated.

  26. To help change things positively I will always help if someone needs, always donate money to the red cross and participate in locks for love.

  27. My ideas for effecting positive change in my community are to:
    Watch out and be there for people who may need someone to lean on.
    Be sensitive to the needs of others.
    Lend a helping hand (maybe in manual labor or maybe by just being there for someone).
    Realize that you never know what someone is going through, and know that the little things you do might be a huge help to them.

    -Kelly Wang

  28. Through self-empowerment and showing others we ae capble of great things, I believe will effect a positive change in the world.

  29. I still have a number of ideas of how I can effect a positive change in this world.

    I've thought about doing some work to clean up parks, serving food, and overall spreading joy where joy isn't necessarily always found.

    Zach Brockway
    Eleventh Grade

  30. There is alot of things you can do to make a positive change:
    Helping out at a homeless shelter, volunteer at a event that helps you community, help someone when they are in need, donate money, clothes, shoes, furniture etc. If you can only help one person out then you made a postivie change.. You can make a postivive change for our environment too by recycling, conserving electricity and conserving water. There are a lot of ways to help out an individual person and the environment.

    Joseph Lynn
    OHDELA 11th grade

  31. You can make a positive change just by being a good person in general. Just doing little things can make a big impact no matter where you are. Whether it's volunteering or donating stuff, or just helping a person at random, small stuff like that can make an impression on people.

    Abigail B
    OHDELA 11th grade

  32. There are many ways to make a postive change in the world or your life. I have a tendency of trying to help people no matter what there into. Some times it can turn out postive & other times it doesn't help. Being a great person with an open mind to reach out to anything or anyone makes a great change. I have learn you can't help some one who doesn't want help, but you can be a positive person to them.

  33. I am just starting my Eagle project, which conveniently was directly inspired by my hero, so thinking of a positive change is pretty easy.
    Basically my idea is to take donations of craft items and small toys for the long term patients at children’s hospital, take the donations and pack them into bags based of age/gender/skill level, and then distribute them to the kids in children’s hospital.
    Alan Waters 11th grade,

  34. I would like to write books that give others an escape, even if it is only for a few hours.

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  36. by recycling paper and plastic.

    Kiryl Daniuk
    12th Grade

  37. What kit said :P
    jus kidding..
    I like to volunteer at a childrens hospital, and promote recycling in my neighbourhood. I help spread messages to girls who feel insecure about themselves, and promote the fact that every girl is beautiful. I wrote a song about Japan and dedicated it to them, and it's helping me promote donations towards Japan after the quake. <33

    #uknowwhoIam ;)

  38. I plan on volunteering at a homeless shelter in our community. I would like to make a difference by raising money that can be donated to the shelter to help the children and teens who live at the shelter.

  39. I can be like my hero by volunteering my free time. I can help others when their having a rough time, I can be thoughtful of what I throw away. If something doesn’t fit I can recycle it or give it to someone who would fit it.

  40. I think volunteering and doing little things like picking up trash can help the community. Or maybe going to a soup kitchen. Donating clothes to the homeless or donating food to a food shelter. Those are some of the things I plan on doing.

    -Marisa Strunk
    OHDELA, 11th grade

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  42. I made a typo so I had to post it again. XD

    I believe that positive change is when those around you are effected by the changing things in their lives.

    For an example, when Jesus was nailed to the cross, everyone thought that all hope was lost and they would never be with their lord again; but when he came back from the dead on the Third Day, he caused a positive change in the lives of the remaining disciples and how they lived. He effected them to the point of them writing about all the miracles Jesus performed and the words he spoke; today we have the Bible and has healed and saved the lives of millions.

    ~Jada Milner 11th Gr. Ohdela

  43. I want to be able to tell every girl on the planet that they're beautiful no matter what insecurities they may have. But that's a little far out of reach, so I'll stick to making my friends know that they're beautiful people. Every single person should be able to look in the mirror and say that they love themselves. I want to help them feel comfortable doing that.

  44. I would want to be a person that helps save peoples lives. I would want to be able to stop them from dieing or things like that i would want to save their life, by being the best doctor i could be.

  45. i think that to change the world, you must change your world. the small differences make the difference

  46. I want to make a change in life by giving people a little closer when their relatives get tooken away i want to study the forensic field.for righ now i think that every little thing could help the world change like volunteering at places or simply giving spare change
