Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who is Your Hero?

Briefly introduce your hero.


  1. The hero I decided to write about is Andrew McMahon from Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate. He had leukemia in 2005 but has been in remission since 2008. :)

    Matthew Kohler
    12th Grade ~ Ohdela

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  3. The hero I'm choosing to write about is Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for my sins and by doing that, I can forever live in Heaven with him and the Father God.

    ~Jada Milner 11th Gr. Ohdela.

  4. Okay, so we can do the same person. My hero is also Andrew McMahon, since someone else has already introduced him, I guess I don't have to.

    Jani Sinkko

  5. My hero is Taylor Swift. I admire her because she knew what she wanted to do with her life by the time she was fourteen. She worked hard to get where she is today. She started off by going to nashville during her Spring Break to drop off a demo CD to the major record labels. I look up to her because she has remained a genuinely kind and loving person, despite all of her fame, success, and fortune. She meets as many fans as possible after her shows. You can tell that she truly loves what she does and she doesn't take anything for granted. She is my inspiration because of her kindness and love for others, the way she carries herself with class and elegance, and her strong work ethic. I believe that she is a good example for people of all ages.

    Lauren Eshelman
    Ohdela, Grade 12

  6. My hero is my grandfather. I see him as my hero because he has been dedicated to one fire department for over 5 years and has still volunteered there after a few heart problems.
    He has been strong through the years and he has kept our family close by contributing to each and every one of his grandchildren.

  7. Jesus Christ is my hero because he gave his life to save the world from its sins. He taught people how to live righteous lives holy and pleasing to God and how we can have a relationship with him. I've believed in him my whole life, and I try every day to live up to his example.

    Amy Fortunato
    11th grade Ohdela

  8. i have decided my hero will be kinda at of the normal he is a horse out at pegasus farm his name is chuck. he has thought me so much through the 4 years i have been out there.

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  10. i have decided that my hero will be my older sister becasue she helpoed me threw thick and thin and she halped me relize what to do in life and what i am capiable of!!!!!

  11. my dad. cause he made me the man im today

  12. My hero is my great-grandpa. He served in WW2. I look up to him because he risked his life to help others and I'll always be thankful for that.

    Elizabeth F.

  13. I have a step grandma and she is currently going through kidney failiure. That within itself is enough to be qualified as a hero, but aside from the basics, everytime I see her, she always has a smile on her face. She is almost hospitalized every week, yet she still makes it to family events and she always has something nice to say to everyone. I haven't known her for that long, just a handfull of years, yet she has touched my life in ways I will carry with me forever. She is my hero.

  14. My hero has to be my older sister. No matter how bad things got, she always had a smile on her face. She taught me to trust in God even when you're about to give up. She's easily the most courageous person I know.

  15. My hero is my grandfather, Anthony Cannon. When he was 16 he lied about his age to join the army and fight in WWII and afterwards he transferred to the Air Force. He is my hero because he has inspired me to join the Air Force and help protect the citizens of this country.

    - Nick, 11th Grade

  16. My hero is Oprah Winfrey.I Admire her because she help build a school for kids to go and get they education.

  17. My hero is my grandpa. Hes always been there for me every chance that he got, but after he passed away. I dont have him by my side too quide me. I try my hardest to stay strong & avoid the things that will get me in trouble. That what hes always told me to do.

  18. My Hero is Molly Brown. She was a survivor of the Titanic and was known as the "Unsinkable Molly Brown". She used her knowledge of foreign languages to console surviving immagrants of the tragic accident who knew little English. She also helped raise money for them so they could start their lives in America. Molly Brown also played a big role in the Women's Suffrage Movement and also helped raised money for children's causes in mining camps. When I learned about Molly Brown, I was overwhelmed with the heart that she had. She had touched many lives and made a difference by doing things to help others.

    Miciah Devantier
    OHDELA 11th Grade

  19. My hero is my grandpa, because although he passed away eight years ago, during his life he was a strong person who dedicated himself to family and friend. He still inspires me today, to keep my head up when things arnt the way i want them to be, and in so manyother ways.

  20. My hero is my mom. She has done so much for my sisters and I, and she really cares about and loves me (and my sisters) so much. She homeschooled us, takes care of us, and she is very encouraging.

    ~ Theresa M.
    OHDELA, 12th Grade

  21. My hero is Demi Lovato. As an actress and a singer/songwriter, she has a lot of pressure on her shoulders. And she's only 18 years old, to date. So when she left the tour she was in with the Jonas Brothers last year in order to go back home and get some emotional help, it really struck me. For someone that is famous, and adored by so many people, to tell themself that they need to take a break and to take care of themself for a while before going back to work is a big thing. She put herself in rehab and that even takes guts for a normal everyday teenager, let alone one in the spotlight. And now that she's out of rehab, and back to working, she's helped so many of her fans with her example to stay strong and to get the help that you need.

  22. I would like to introduce you to my hero. Her name is Heidi Baker. She has taken on the nation of Mozambique and has devoted herself to reaching the poorest and least wanted in that country and many others around the world. She has cared for and or taken in thousands of orphan children and done so with the deepest joy and love. Heidi has influenced me because I, too, am a missionary. Missionaries often faced extreme adversity be it from people or the general conditions and struggles in the nations they serve. I know that she has faced very tough challenges in her decades of missionary service, but she is still choosing to press on. It is because of her choice to continue despite difficulty that thousands of children have a home and even more have been touched by a life that is overflowing with genuine love and compassion. As I live my life as a missionary, I desire to carry with me the same love, joy, and passion that Heidi has for the people of Mozambique and for each person she comes in contact with. She has raised the bar in my expectations of myself, not just when I am doing “missionary work” in an organized setting, but in my everyday life.

  23. My hero is Harriet Tubman. I picked her as my hero because she was brave enough to escape slavery and was even more brave by going back to help other escape, putting her own life on the line in the process. This is why I picked Harriet Tubman as my hero, because she dedicated her life to saving the lives of others and has inspired me to try and do the same in my own. Such as helping out at the local animal shelter or the local soup kitchen, so I can reach out and change the lives of others.

    OHDELA, 11th grade

  24. According to Webster’s Dictionary a hero is a man and/or woman admired for his/her achievements and noble qualities. The first person that comes to mind when I hear this is Jesus Christ. I’m sure many of you have heard of him, he’s whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas. Here are some of his heroic characteristics: Serving others, Spreading good news, healing people, and eventually sacrificing his very life for those he loved.

    - Joshua M
    OHDELA, 11th Grade

  25. My hero is, Jesus. John 3: 16 says "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begoten son that who so ever believeth on him shall have everlasting life.

  26. My hero is my twin sister, Jocelynn, who has Rett Syndrome. It is hard for her to do everyday things sometimes, but she works through it with a smile on her face. Her optimistic attitude about life inspires those around her to help others, and not take for granteed little things.

    Kaylee E. OHDELA

  27. My hero is Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She spent her whole life sacrificing herself for other people and caring for the sick and poor. To do this, she founded many different missionaries.

    Emily Grogean

  28. My hero is Jesus Christ. He is the only son of God and He came down from Heaven to die for everyones sins. He came down from Heaven knowing He would die, He grew up, knowing He would die. And He didn't want to but He did anyway. For me, and you, and everyone. He sacrificed himself for all of humanity.

  29. My hero is Jesus Christ. Because he gave his own life in order for all of us to have our sins forgiven. We also have the hope of everlasting life. Acts 5:42

  30. My hero is a good friend of mine Kaitlyn Nicole Jones. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. In type1 diabetes your body doesn’t produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed in daily life. Kaitlyn passed away at the age of 18 on March 16, 2011 unexpectedly from complications with diabetes.

  31. My hero is a very dear person to me named John-Michael Lander. He was my sophmore english teacher and a mentor to me through life. I was going through a very rough time in my life and Mr. Lander was always a gentle hearted person that would go out of his way to make sure that I was safe and had some one to talk to. John-Michael saved my life.

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  33. My hero is Rachel Carson. She is the lady that wrote many environment based books like Silent Spring, The Sea Around Us and Under the Sea-Wind to name a few. She also helped ban dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), which is a chemical that used to be used on crops, but caused harm in the humans, nature and the wildlife that was around it. The government discussed the issue about DDT and formed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), so I guess you can say that she inspired the start of the EPA too.

  34. My hero is my father, may he rest in peace and know that he is greatly missed and loved!

    -lindsey hultman
    ohdela grade:12

  35. My Hero is my father. He shows me how to be a good person. He helps me do things I never thought I would be able to do. And when I am struggling he is there for me to talk to.

  36. My hero is my great-grandmother. I never knew her personally because she died in 1984. However I was born on her birthday November 1st, 1993. Everyone in my family tells me that I remind them of her in some way or another. I kind of like to think I’m a reincarnation of her, but perhaps that’s just wishful thinking. Anyway, my great-grandmother was a wonderful person because she brought my entire family together. Not just sons and daughters but extended family and friends, everyone loved her. For example, after my grandmother and grandfather divorced my great-grandmother still kept up relations with her ex-son-in-law. She was just so welcoming and kind to all sorts of people. She had a way of bringing our family together despite our sometimes strained relations between one another. No other family member has since been such a central figure. During much of her life she worked in California at a girl’s boarding school, she was the house mother. My family has a letter from one of the girl’s who attended the school to my great-grandmother thanking her for everything she had done. I guess my point is she is my hero because she was a consistent figure in the lives of many always giving to those around her.

    Brie Hope
    Grade 12
    We gettin' it in!!

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  38. My hero is my cousin Lori. She passed away because of cancer but during her last days all she did was try to encourage others, she never complained and she tried to make sure her kids were taken care of. Her selfless acts really made an impact on me and how I view life.

    Arianna W. - Ohdela

  39. My hero is my wife, Ashley. yes, we got married at a young age, but she is my motivation, she encourages me to do the good things in life, & shes the reason im back in school. she doesnt judge me for the past mistakes I've made, & she has been by my side through alot. I love her. (:
    -Jack Morgan

  40. I haven't yet decided on ONE hero but it's either gonna be Ezio Auditore.... or my Mom <3

    Ezio Auditore, because he is soooooooooooo hott and even tho he is just a game character... he's inspired me to climb things, which is good for my health lol... and never let things go unjustified, like the execution of his father and brothers.


    My Mom, because she had a really tough life as a child and growing up. Whenever i think ican't go any longer in this life, she'd inspire me to do otherwise, whenever i'd just THINK about what she went thru.

  41. My hero is my father because he has helped me through my life and taught me many things as well.

  42. My hero is my mom. She loves taking care of her children. She always helps me with everything in my life. God created her to be a good mom. She taught me to trust in Jesus Christ.

  43. My hero is my father. He wasnt around much when i was a child but i know that he loved me no matter what. He passed away in 2008 from cancer but i know that one day we will be together again.

  44. My hero would have to be my great grandpa and great grandma. I hace to include both of them because without one there isnt the other. They have always been there for me and they both mean the world to me.

  45. My grandfather is my hero. He was and still is the perfect person to look upto, even though he's not here. He was born March 10 1919 and passed away May 17th 2007. He put others before himself. He was the wisest person ive met in my entire life, and he was so kind hearted. He gave the BEST advice! I just love him!

    Tracina Putnam

  46. My hero is Oskar Schindler.
    He is my hero because of how he risked his own life to save around 1200 Jews from death at the concentration camps. You could say he beat the system, at first he wanted them for work but after awhile he used his factory as a way to get Jews out of camps and into safety. I dont know if i could go against my friends, family, or country like he did.
    Emily Ubienski
    Grade 11

  47. My hero is my bestfriend Alex Hackett.
    He is my hero becuase when he had cancer all the money he raised he gave to charity. He isnt letting cancer stop him from following his dreams.

  48. My hero is my grandfather Norven W. Miles (or as i called him, Poppy). He gave up going to middle school and highschool so he could work to support his family. Then at 18 he joined the U.S. Marines to serve his country then many years later would battle with cancer.

  49. I have been thinking about this and i would like to change my hero. My hero is my twin sister. She has congenital heart disease. She has had 4 open heart surgeries. She wasn't supposed to live this long. She is my hero because she is very brave, determined, and she is always there for me whenever i need her! (:

  50. My hero I am choosing is Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for us and he took all my sins away. He is always there for you when you need someone to talk to and he will listen. He watching down on us to protect us from the bad and the good. He shows you the good path to take in life. He haves blessed us with so many good things in life. I can forever live in Heaven with him and the Father God.

  51. My hero that i chose was my mom. She is always there for me and she likes to make people happy. I have a big family and its crazy around holidays but my mom does her best tpo make everyone feel special including me. She gives and gives and askes for nothing for herself because she loves the people she cares for. I hope to be like her one day. Kind, thoughtful, loving and caring as she is.

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  53. My hero is my scoutmaster, Michael Thompson. He helped me through a hard time in my life, and though he is not too well off heimself, he is always striving to make my life, and others, better. He is a selfless person who would do whatever it takes to help others succeed in life, and I look up to him for that.
    Alan Waters, 11th grade

  54. My hero is Bob Marley. He tried to make the world a better place by encouraging world peace. He has inspired me to accept the issues we have in the world today. Bob's music is uplifting, all he wanted to do is live without the big problems.
    Samuel Brafford, 12th Grade

  55. My hero is Robert Nesta, He wanted world peace and he enjoy life and music. Robert has made me see a different side to life than I ever have, and the music he left behind is amazing and happy.
    Natasha Whiteside 12th Grade

  56. My hero dedicated his entire life to humanity. From the time he was born, his mission was people. He loved all, but was not loved by all. My hero is Jesus Christ.

    Aubrey Liston
    OhDela Grade 11

  57. My hero? hmm...

    I don't know, I guess I really don't have one person narrowed down. There are plenty of people I respect for being everyday heroes, but none are mine.

  58. My hero is Jesus Christ because he died for us so we could be forgiven of out sins.

    Brandon Viars Ohdela grade 12

  59. My hero's are the troops. They are my hero's because they risk their own lives for others lives.

    Andrea Dailey
    Ohdela, Grade 12

  60. My hero is my mom without her I would not be here, without her guidence and love for i might not be where i am now

  61. I am changing my hero to Batman. My hero is Batman which is more of the Batman universe. I loved the Batman universe at a young age, which was when I think I first saw my first Batman series, Batman: The Animated Series. Then I got to Batman Beyond then to the rest of the series but not The Batman I missed that one but I bought it a few year later when it aired.

    When it aired on Cartoon Network I think I watched all of them. When I saw around the time of The Dark Knight movie I got back into it. When I was looking for a job to do when I am done with high school and go to college. When I heard the word psychology in the universe at some point it sounded like an interesting job to have. This is Stefani W.

  62. My hero is my mother alisa watkins. The most important person in my life.

    Alexis Virola
    grade 11th

  63. My hero is Tim Tebow his attitude of never give up and do your best has inspired me to play to the best of my ability.And his leadership and Christlike character has helped me see there's more than just being the best and that's leading others to Jesus.

    Sam Shalala

  64. My hero is Martin Luther King Jr. who played a major role in the civil rights movement.

  65. My hero is my Mom.

    Kiryl Daniuk

  66. My hero is anyone and everyone because you and I, we can do absolutely anything;
    I find that to be inspirational.
    My hero is humanity.

  67. My hero is any decent person who goes out of their way to do what is right and help others in need.

    Abigail B
    OHDELA 11th grade

  68. My hero is my grandpa. Because he has always been a hard worker. Also he has worked though many hard times and still prevailed.

  69. My hero is my nephew, & he's almost three years old. He has brought a lot of happiness in my life & changed my outlook on things I never seen before. The main thing is I am glad not to be a mom at a early age but he's deffently shown me how to be a great aunt & I Love him so much.


  70. My hero is my father. Although that may seem cliche and "easy," my dad truly is the hero in my life. He has taught me the most lessons out of everything I've learned and he has shown me countless acts of heroism in my short 17 years. I'm proud to call my dad my hero and I'm proud to honor him through this project.

    Jessie Zevotek

  71. My hero is my mom. She is a very loving and compassionate person. She has recently been diagonsed with cancer and seems to continue to help those in need. She is also a minister, and helps those who are less fortunate. She is my hero and my inspiration.

  72. My true heros are my parents, they mean the world to me. I couldn't make it without them. They inspire me to work hard and be a better person everyday.

    -Marisa Strunk
    OHDELA, 11th Grade

  73. My hero is Jesus Christ, he is the greatest teacher who ever lived to give us the golden rule.."do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

  74. My heros are my mom and dad, for helping me with life.

    OHDELA, 12th Grade

  75. my hero is my birth mother, she showed me how to not live and hot to not depend on others and be independent.

  76. my hero is my mother Chandra freeman. she showed me how to become a better person each day.

  77. my hero is my grandmother because she stands for what she believes in she try her hardest to keep our family together she is a very strong person with alot of love in her heart she helps those who need it nomatter what
