Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What makes someone a hero?

What characteristics make someone a hero? Click on comment to add your ideas to this discussion.


  1. To me what makes someone a hero is someone who is there to defend you, listen to you, or even try to help you in a difficult time. By Rita Hawkins from Dela.

  2. There are many characteristics that make someone a hero. I think that the most important thing is for a hero to be inspirational. Heros have to have an impact on people. Heros tend to be brave, and strong, they do what others say is impossible, and they learn from their mistakes and faliures.
    Kaylee E. OHDELA

  3. A hero is your inspiration.
    Tracina Putnam - OHDELA.

  4. to me a hero is someone who shows you the moral way to save the world. They always stick to what they were taught as children.
    Megan Lizzini OHDela

  5. A hero is selfless. They use their life to help others. A hero is brave. They don't let fear keep them from doing the right thing. A hero is compassionate. They sympathize with those who are in need of their help. A hero is persistent. Every person faces opposition, but heroes don't allow difficulties to stop them. A hero has a high sense of moral. They have a clear idea of what is right and don't compromise.

  6. A hero is a very personal thing. A hero is someone who inspires you. Whether they inspire you to change the world around you, or just the negative qualities in yourself, it's someone who can make you think, who can teach you what's right.
    - Elizabeth A. Hazel, OHDELA

  7. I think a hero doesn't always have to be someone that did something brave, it can be someone that you just look up to that reminds you of a hero in some way.

    ~Jada M.

  8. A hero is someone who has a love for all men. A hero is also someone who shows other he is a hero through his thoughts, words, and deeds. A hero has learned self mastery, and is always serving his fellow man.

  9. A hero is someone who inspires other people to do good things in their life. Also it is someone who people look up to and look to when they need help in their life.

  10. A hero is someone who displays selflessness in any task that has a positive effect on someone. They are brave; often facing odds that do not weigh in their favor. They are focused; treating both the roots of issues and their symptoms. They are determined; not allowing anything to stop them. They are timely; as a hero is often not made by what they did but when. These things make a hero.

    -Spencer, 12th Grade

  11. A Hero is someone who does the right thing for the right reason, they act out apon there feelings and what they think is right. A hero is someone i can look apon and see greatness and see that they have the right mind for the world or the works there doing. A Hero is a difference not a cause.

  12. I think a hero is someone who does the right thing. I feel like a real hero is someone that is kind and is willing to risk his/her life to help others and stand up for someone/something. A hero isn't necessarily an overly brave person, but someone who is willing to stop thinking of themselves, and whether or not they're brave enough, and starts helping someone.

    ~ Theresa M.
    OHDELA, 12th Grade

  13. A hero is someone who goes out of their way to help others.

  14. A hero is someone who inspires others around them to do good and they aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe in.

  15. A hero is someone that will help someone else no matter what the cost. It's someone you can look up to.They encourage you to make a difference, no matter how big, in your self or your enviroment.
    -Brandi Roseberry
    Ohdela 11th

  16. What is a hero? "A man and/or woman admired for his/her achievements and noble qualities."(Webster’s Dictionary)

    My personal view of a hero is very similar to this definition. A hero to me is someone who I would want to emulate for his or her actions. (Example: Martin Luther King Jr. Standing up for what he believed) I believe that hero is a word that entitles said person to be an example to many people.

    - Joshua
    OHDELA, 11th Grade

  17. I think a hero doesn't have to do something famous or did a good deed but someone you look up to.

  18. A hero could be any number of things. They could be brave and strong, or they could just be normal. A hero should be selfless and care about the welfare of others. They should be humble, but still willing to stand up for what's right.

  19. A hero is someone that will do anything to keep his or her family, neighbors, friends, and there community safe.

  20. I think the thing that makes someone a hero is having the ability to affect someones life in a positive way and their will to help someone in need.

    Arianna W. - Ohdela

  21. To me, what makes someone a hero, is someone who doesn't do something to make a difference just to win people's approval. Instead, they do it because they want to, regardless of what other people think.

    Miciah Devantier
    OHDELA 11th Grade

  22. Someone is a hero when they have done something or things that have done good for the world and inspired others to do the same.

    Matthew Kohler
    OHDELA 12th Grade

  23. A hero is somebody who has a positive aspect on life, and will go out of their way to do unusual things that others wouldnt do.

  24. A hero is someone who is willing to sacrifice things for other people.

    Emily Grogean

  25. A hero is someone who inspires people to make a difference. A hero could be someone who saves a life, helps others, creates things such as music, art, ect. A hero also could be someone who encouraged someone. Doctors, nurses, vets, firefighters are all heros.

  26. I think a hero means something different to most people. Some people look up to musicians some people look up to scientists. To me personally a hero is someone who has significantly changed your life in some way or another. Maybe this person didn't change any other person this way, but what they say/have said or do/have done changed you in some way.

    Jani Sinkko

  27. A hero is someone that would do anything for anybody without thinking twice about how dangerous the situation could be.
    Ashley Helms

  28. A hero to me would be someone who changes someone, someone who motivates you to do the right things in life, & someone who is there for you whenever you need them the most.
    -Jack Morgan

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. A hero to me is someone that others look up to. They have made not only an impact on an individual but a POSITIVE impact on that individual. A hero can inspire someone to be a better person in life based on their experiences. A hero does not need to be someone you know personally, a hero can be anyone.

    Khonisa Anderson

  31. A hero is someone who inspires you in every way to be a better person. They are someone you look up to, and is someone you aspire to be like. A hero is someone who has made a significant impact on your life in one way or another, whether it's direct and the person has done something personally for you, or whether they simply inspire you to be the best you personally be.

    - Lauren Eshelman
    Grade 12, OHDELA

  32. A hero in my eyes is somone who would be there for you when you despirately need it, someone who would go the extra mile to make you feel happy, somone who would do anything to help the people around the world who need it now, someone that would give up there life to save anothers.

  33. A hero stands up. They're strong, and far from perfect, but their endurance and their resilience, even through knowing the harshness of reality, is what makes them a hero.

    Kelly Wang- ohdela

  34. A hero is someone who inspires people to do good, other qualities of a hero are optional, as they can be anybody, but some qualities that seem to pop up a lot are bravery, compassion, strength of moral fiber and the ability to put others before themselves.
    -Alan Waters, 11th grade

  35. A hero in my eyes is someone who can encourage someone to be happy and positive, or to think better of themselves. A hero can be anyone or anything you want.

    Natasha Whiteside- 12th Grade

  36. A hero is generally trustworthy and brave. They're willing to put everyone else above themselves and inspires those around them to better themselves and others. But a hero can come out of anyone if given the right circumstances and oppertunity.

    Alexis Lutsch
    OHDELA-Grade 12

  37. So where do we comment for todays assignment?

    "On the My Hero Story blog, discuss what the quote “Life is your Work” might mean"

  38. Bravery, devotion, and being selfless are some of the characteristics I think that make a hero, a hero. -Zach Brockway, Eleventh Grade

  39. it is someone who is brave and puts others before him or herself. Does not let others put them down when they are trying to succeed in something

  40. Charity, Honesty, and Loyalty are a few characteristics that may make someone a hero.
    A hero is someone who is an inspirational, positive character. They may uplift or bring change to the public, one person, or the world. I think what defines a hero is their service to a community or others, their ability to lead, and the power to give back.
    -OHDELA, 11th Grade

  41. To me a true hero is genuinely a good person and usually extremely hard to find. They should inspire you in positive ways. A hero in my eyes should think of others first, they should try to help others in every possible way they can.

    -Ohdela 12th Grade Briana Killion

  42. I had an amazing answer but it deleted it and i dont feel like retyping all that.
    New answer: A hero is someone who is selfless, courageous, and sincere.

  43. What make someone a hero? There are many of ways people are consider heroes or people concider other people heroes. I think heroes have to have good qualities in them, like kindness, fast thinking and modest. They aren't always kind and fast thinking. They also have bad days when they aren thinking straight or are in a good mood. They are human too. They aren't super heroes that they show on tv. They're just people we look up to and think they do a great job. Heroes know what is fear, but they over come it even though it's does scares them stiff. I think anyone can be a heroes to someone if they do the right thing, like a fireman or a neighbor helping someone get a cat out of the tree. They could be concider are a hero for just that day or forever to someone. Doing little things can make someone a hero, like a family member helping out in chores or helping you with homework. There are many ways that can make someone a hero it just depends on the person. I think a hero has great qualities in them and that can over come fear. That's what makes a hero.

    OHDELA 11th grade Johanna Chang

  44. I Think a hero is someone that Helps you in some way. it doesn't have to be someone that saves you or someone that are in movies or a fictional character, also i don't think that a hero even has to be someone very known to everyone, or very popular, it can be known just to one person. A hero can be a close friend or family member that you look up to, or someone that helps you in some way. helps you in a tough point in your life. thats what i think makes a hero, someone that is courageous, helpful, and selfless.

  45. I think a hero is all that has been described here but still flawed in some way. I think that if this person or entity acknowledges their flaws it renders him/her even more of a hero because it teaches those who he/she inspire that no one is perfect but the important thing is that we try.

    Overall a hero displays admirable characteristics, especially those not so trivial characteristics like wealth.

  46. To me a hero would have some of these characteristics; courage, dedication, selflessness, willing to sacrficice, humility, determination and bravery. A hero can inspire people, motivate people, and makes a difference.

    -Joseph Lynn,
    OHDELA 11th grade

  47. I think a hero is somebody who can influence somebody else with what they do for a living. It can be an Arthur, a firefighter, or probably a president.

  48. I think a hero is someone whom is willing to help others depite the consenquneces.

  49. I believe anybody can be a hero to any person, it just depends on what that person sees in a hero. To me a hero is somone who believes in what they are doing and has a passion for it. People who do things without self regard and those who try to make a differnce even if it's just to one person.

  50. a hero to me is someone who stands up for me and helps me get through hard times and always there for me

  51. A hero is someone who never gives up. They help people by opening ways for them through a nonviolent manner. They care about others and constantly try to help them.

  52. for me a hero could be many different things, such as a parent going to work every day so they can support there family, or a fireman risking his life to save some one from a burning building. A hero is brave, a hero is kind, a hero is that person who does there job for the benefit of others

  53. Someone who is a hero is somebody that is there for you when you need them by your side.. also somebody that goes out of your way for you and will help you no matter how big or small the situation is

  54. someone that goes out of there way to do a extradinary obsticel that is not completed everyday or by everybody.

  55. A hero is someone who is willing to sacrafice their life, or their time to help others in need. A hero is not a selfish person, and they don't need to be awarded or recognized for what they have done. To me, a hero is someone who inspires you to be better and is someone who is a role model to you.

    Elizabeth F.

  56. I think a hero should be someone who is willing to sacrifice his or her time, energy, and maybe even life for the sake of others. I also think that a hero is somone who is couragous, kind, humble, and loving.

  57. Someone is a hero when they've done something that motivated people, even just one person, to do something for the better of themselves, or the earth, or anything in general. It really doesn't matter what a hero inspires you to do, just that they have inspired you is noteworthy enough.
    For instance, my hero felt that she needed help for her emotional state, so she actually took a break from the current tour she was in and stopped all her other jobs as an actress/singer in order to go and get that help she felt she needed. She showed me that we shouldn't feel that we need to keep what we feel emotionally all pent up inside, and inspired me to tell someone about how I felt and to also get some needed help.
    So it does not really matter what your hero did, but if they inspired you, then they are a hero.
    Ashley Shood - OHDELA

  58. a hero is someone who doesnt give up what they believe in, and someone who inspires other.

  59. A hero can be anyone; they can be any age, any color, live in any time, and live anywhere. A hero is someone you can look up to, someone who inspires you to make a difference, someone who has contributed something to society that made a difference.

    Alison Bryant
    Grade 11

  60. What makes a hero is someone that is brave, bold, and courageous. Also a hero is a person willing to sacrifice. A hero would have to be strong not necessarily physically strong but mentally strong as well. What also makes a hero is they need to be a remodel someone you look up to or admire. I think affecting someone’s life making them want to change for the better is what also makes a hero.

    Alyssa Nicolino
    Grade 11

  61. In my eyes, a hero can be anyone. Any one person that some how inspires a positive effect could be claimed as one. There is no age limit or description that forms a hero. It is kind of like the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

  62. To me a hero is someone that you obviously look up too and admire. You can count on this particuliar person to make the right decisions and when you aim to be like your hero.

    ohdela grade:12

  63. A hero is someone that is always there for you no matter what and care/love you unconditionally.

  64. In my eyes a hero is someone that will lay their life down to save your. Someone who has made a difference in your life.

  65. I think a hero is someone who makes you want to become a better person not just for yourself but to help other around you.
    Emily Ubienski
    Grade 11

  66. To me a hero is someone that helps others and is a person that somebody else wants to follow and try to be someday.
    Cassidy Loza
    Grade 11

  67. A hero to me is someone who thinks about others before themselves. They see the good in people that others can't see.

    Falesha Long
    11th Grade OHDELA

  68. To me a hero is someone that can help you make the right chose and lead you to the right path in your life. They are there to support you incourage you and give you good advise. A hero is someone you can always depend on. they could be you best friend a family member or even a role modle.

    ~11th grade~

  69. A hero to me is someone who can stand up for themselves and not care what anyone thinks. They do what they believe, they encourage you to believe in yourself as well as others. A hero should only want peace and harmony in the world. A hero can be anyone or anything you want.

  70. A hero to me is someone that will follow what he believes in. He will make his dreams come true no matter what, he never care about what other people think or say about him/her or their dream.

    Samuel Brafford 12 grade

  71. A hero is someone who selflessly gives their time and devotion to do what needs to be done.

    Aubrey Liston
    OhDela Grade 11

  72. I think a hero is someone who helps people out of a pure motive, not to be praised by his/her peers, not to make money, but for the joy of seeing people happy because of what they did for them. they expect nothing in return, and even sacrifice sometimes to help others.

  73. I think a hero is someone you can look up to. I also think it someone you can learn from and they make you a better person.

    Kristian Moore

  74. A hero is someone who inspires you. Also, someone you can look up too. I think a hero is someone who has done special things for people that need that special thing done in their lives. A hero is someone you can look at and they put a smile on your face because you know all the good things they have done to peoples lives, things that mean a lot to people.

    Andrea Dailey
    Ohdela, Grade 12

  75. A hero to me can be many things. A hero is a strong and loving person who inspires you. A hero would put others first before themselfs. A hero could change a life, save a life or just make someone's day happy and wonderful. Some hero's are known and some just do things from the kindness of their heart and just do something nice without anyone knowing who it was

    Allie Nicolino
    Grade 12th

  76. What makes someone a hero is courage, strength and commentment.

    Alexis Virola
    grade 11th

  77. A hero is someone who does the right thing not the easy thing, helps others and overcomes hardships.

  78. A hero is someone who is not selfish. When someone is willing to help others and do what's right, they become a hero in someone's eyes. The littlest actions make someone a hero.

    Mickenzie Martinez
    Grade: 12th

  79. To me a hero is some you can trust no matter what. A person that shows you a good path in life & gives a great example on things on life. A hero makes a big change on yourself in a postive way.

    Tesla Skyee

  80. I think a hero is someone that helps people selflessly and that makes a positive difference in the lives of others. A hero will never be forgotten because of what they accomplish throughout their life.

    Alexis Keenan
    11th Grade

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. A hero can be as complex as someone who changes the world, or as simple as someone that as little as one person admires for the way they live their life. For me personally, I believe heroes are often looked over. They're humble in their good deeds and go un-noticed. That's part of what makes them such a hero...the fact that they don't require attention to live the way they do.

    Jessie Zevotek

  83. Hero's have different characteristics but basically you can find the same ones in different hero's. They can be of any age, race, gender, or come from andy background or any place in the world.
    A hero is someone that other people can look up too, and someone that can inspire other people. A hero has done something that is memorable, and some times some thing that envolved risk taking.
    It is some one that we admire and maight want to be like. We like what we see in the person.

  84. I think a hero can be anyone. A hero is someone who inspires you, someone you look up to and love. A hero is a role model.

    -Marisa Strunk
    OHDELA, 11th grade

  85. A hero is someone that other people can look up to. They don't always consider themselves heroes. Sometimes they are heroes to just one person and other times to more. Heroes usually think they are just doing their job.

    Meghan Friend

  86. A hero is someone who never gives up on you.

    OHDELA, 12th grade

  87. A hero is someone yo can look up to for the ways of life and inspires yo to do your best and be the better person in tough situations
    ohdela, 12th grade.

  88. what makes a hero is someone who trustworthy or someone who gets the courgage to do something without being asked or told. it can be a mentor.someone who saves a life.

    1. you don't have to save a life to be a hero :)

  89. A hero is a selfless person who is more interested in helping others than themselves. Hero's want to make the world a better place one step at a time.

  90. a hero can be someone who you look up to, who you admire, who has done something kind or selfless. a hero doesn't have to be someone famous, a singer, a dancer, an actor or even someone on the TV or radio they can be a friend, family member or just a member of the public,
    mine is my older sister jodie <3
