Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life is your Work

Meet the New Heroes features stories of people who approach life and work in heroic ways. Discuss what the quote "Life is your Work" means to you.


  1. In the quote “Life is your Work” means exactly what it means. Most of your life is that you have to do a lot of work like chores, work when you get a job, and do homework in school. Probably when someone says to you at the end of hard day they would say “Life is your Work”. They would see the only thing you do is work most of the time and not see you do anything fun.

  2. I think "Life is your Work" can mean many things. One possible meaning could be the work you do in your life becomes your legacy. Another meaning everything you do in life is working towards something.
    Matthew Kohler
    12th Grade ~ Ohdela

  3. Life is work
    I think means that in some ways, life isn't really a cake walk and that you will have some up n downs. But I think in the end, you come out knowing you braved through it no matter how much work you had to put into it.

    ~Jada Milner 11th Gr. Ohdela.

  4. i think life is your work, means that even though you work in other things, you are really striving to make your life the right way.

  5. I think that "Life is your Work" means that life is your number one job. You are going to try and make the best of it and do the best that you can do. Whether that be making the world a better place or a trying as hard as you can to be a good person.

  6. I think the quote, "Life is Your Work," basically means that everyone has a job in their life. You can choose what you want that job to be. Some people will make their job in life all about themselves. They will work to please themselves and make themselves look good. However, others will spend their life working to help others and make a difference in the world.

    ~Theresa M.
    OHDELA, 12th Grade

  7. I think "Life is your Work" means that your life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you work for it. Something like art. As long as you work and put the paint on the canvas it can turn into a masterpiece of whatever kind you want it to be. But if you don't work for it, and leave the paint in the cans and your brushes on the table, then all you have is a blank canvas.

  8. To me the quote "life is your work" means that in order to get what you want out of life you have to work for it. This means if you want to go to college so you can be come a techer or a doctor you have to work through school starting at preeschool and working all the way through 12th grade so you can go to college and work towards that carere of your dreams.

    OHDELA, 11th grade

  9. To me, “Life is your Work” means, either you should put your life into your work and/or your work should as great as your life.
    I feel like, you should pour your life into your work, if you ever want to be successful; or if you want your work to be lively, creative, and energetic. You should work just as hard at life as you would your work. Be inspirational, be courageous, be yourself, you’ll find life is your work.

    - OHDELA, 11th Grade

  10. The quote "Life is your work" means that as humans, our main job is to live. To me that means that we need to remember to live our lives to the fullest every single day. Like work or a career, life can sometimes be hard. Usually the hard work pays off, and after a struggle we are relieved by something positive. You can compare life and work because they are similar in many ways. We have to view life as we would view a job or career. It shows that we have to try our best in everything we try to do.

    Lauren Eshelman
    Ohdela, Grade 12

  11. The quote "life is your work" will mean something different to everyone. I personally think that it means, you are given the gift of life, and it is up to you what you do with it. It is your "work" because you are creating a path for yourself and who you are. So, "Life is your work" because your working on creating your own individual life.
    Kaylee E. OHDELA

  12. Life is your Work means that life is your job. Your job is to live your life. Not just live but Live it. Live it to the fullest. At your job you should strive to do everything your supposed to and more, go above and beyond because if you do you'll get ahead. It's the same in life. Don't just live your life, but Live it, (as cliche as it sounds) smell the roses every once in a while, listen to the birds, look at the beauty around us, actually LIVE. Becuase living is your job. Do it to the fullest.

  13. What “life is your work” might mean is most of your life you work and I believe your work is what makes your life. I think this because from the time you turn five or six years old parents put their children in school to get a good education but not just for an education but to get a good job. In school you do work whether it’s taking a test or quiz, reading a book its all work. Work not necessarily means work as in a job work could be housework, school work, manual labor, and even act of charity work.

    Alyssa Nicolino
    Grade 11

  14. In the quote “Life is your Work” means exactly what it means. Most of your life is that you have to do a lot of work like chores, work when you get a job, and do homework in school. Probably when someone says to you at the end of hard day they would say “Life is your Work”. They would see the only thing you do is work most of the time and not see you do anything fun.

  15. I think "Life is your Work" means what it says. Life never stops and even if you are not working for money you are still working. You are working when you do school work you are working when you are doing things around the house and any other time. I think this quote is talking about all the work in your life besides what you do for money.

  16. Life is you work actually means something of greater value to me. What this mean to me is that life is something you need take serious, but not to serious. Life is something you're suppose to enjoy (at least try for some people!)

  17. To me "Life is your work" means that work is the great equalizer,everyone has to come to it in order to find meaning in living.

    Kiryl Daniuk
    Grade 12

  18. Anything you do in life requires work. If there isno work involved then you didnt properly suceed. You will not get anywhere in life with out work. Nothing is just handed to you.

  19. "Life is your work" means that your entire life your going to be working for what you want.

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  21. Life is work. Nothing is free.
    Tracina Putnam, OHDELA

  22. what i think "Life is work" means is how you spend your life. How you use the time you have in this world. I mean its exactly what it sounds like your life is your work, what you do with it, how you look at life,and how what you do effects others lives.
    Emily Ubienski
    Grade 11

  23. Life is your work.
    I think it means just how it is. You can never do anything fun because you have to go to work or to school. People are always working. Thats why parents always tell their kids thats life. When they say they don't want to do any kind of work.
    Cassidy Loza
    Grade 11

  24. "Life is your work" To me that means life is not easy. If you want to have a fulfilling life you need to work hard. Only you can make your life worth living.
    Falesha Long
    ~ 11th Grade OHDELA

  25. "Life is yuur work" means however much work yuu put in is what yuu get out of it. Yuu have to work hard at the life yuu want.

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  27. "Life is your work" to me means that working is an essential thing in life. Therefore you need to work hard and efficiently.

    -Joseph Lynn
    11th grade OHDELA

  28. "Life is your work" means, all your life all you do is work. no matter if its school work or yard wark or even working to be the best you can be. like being yourself or doing something that your really good at or working to help your family and friends in anyway. you work to impress people. you try to get others to like you. it doesnt matter what you do its work.

    ~11th grade~

  29. "Life is your work" means to me that you have to work at being what you would like to be in the near future. There isn't an easy way to make a good living. You have to follow your heart and love what your doing.

  30. "Life is your work", means that you control what you do with your life, what you do for a living and even bigger decision making farther down the road. Your life is like an artist, it's whatever you make it.
    Natasha Whiteside
    12th Grade

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  32. I believe that the expression "Life is your work" means that life is your opportunity to change the world. You may not change the entire world, but if you change the world for one person, you have truly made a difference.

    Aubrey Liston
    OhDela Grade 11

  33. I think "Life is your work" implies that you take life seriously, like work, but atleast try and enjoy it.

  34. I think the quote "Life is your Work" means that life is about working. Rather it' doing work around the house or whatever you do life is part of work and work is part of life.

    Kristian Moore

  35. “Life is your work” Blog:
    Working is a very large part of our lives. It provides us with food, shelter, clothing, ect. Without these things everyday life would be difficult to say the least. Living life to the fullest includes working, although sometimes we do not like it, it is essential. Since working is such a huge part of the way we live I believe we should pursue our dreams, try to build up others with our line of work, and enjoy what we do. The philosopher Confucius explains this well in saying: "Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.”

    - Joshua M
    OHDELA, 11th Grade

  36. I think "life is your work" means that life isn't easy, it has its ups and its downs. It means that life is never easy, you have to work hard for life.

    Andrea Dailey
    Ohdela, Grade 12

  37. I think the quote Life is your Work could be taken many ways. I feel that life is what you make it. In life you mold the person you are, that's why I believe saying's such as your past will always haunt you is true. So if you make a mistake in the past and do something wrong people label you for that even if you are a wonderful person now. You have to work hard at your life unless you want to be nobody or a bum. You should get an education and then you will be able to get a good job. Then start a family , have a nice home in a decent neighborhood,go on family vacations. Your life is what you make it.

  38. The quote "Life is your work" means that whatever comes to a person should be their work. No matter what a person faces during their life, they should try their hardest to do their best.

    Emily Grogean

  39. I believe life is your work because it describes who you are.

  40. I believe life is your work because it describes who you are.

    alexis virola
    grade 11th

  41. Life is work if you want to get better at something you must work at it.

    sam shalala

  42. Life is very tedious, boring and hard at times

  43. "Life is your work" means that life is a job. There is no "taking it easy" in life. Everything you do in life from choosing what to eat to getting a diploma takes work. You cannot just hit the easy button the solve something in life, you have to find a solution and think. Nothing comes easy in life.

    Mickenzie Martinez
    Grade: 12th

  44. To me, "Life is your work" means life can seem like a job at times, one you cannot simply just be fired from. You must continue to work every single day. It's not an easy job, but everyone has to do it.

    Zach Brockway
    Eleventh Grade

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  46. "Life is your work"
    Life is what you make it, you have to work in many ways to live. Being a parent and working a job to support familys, Being a student & making goals to work your way up to achieve anything you want. You have to work in life weather its for small things or big things. You make up your life & its your choice how hard you work & what you do with it.

    Tesla Skyee

  47. "Life is your work"
    Life is your job. Your life consists of so many things throughout your years: school, employment, marriage, friendship, parenting, etc. To be successful in each one of these areas you must work for it. You're here on this earth for several reasons, but everything you do to find those reasons is part of your life's work.

    Jessie Zevotek

  48. Life is your work means that in life we have much work to do, being a student, holding a job, being a sister, or a daughter, or a member of a team or a church. All the things that we do in life are considered work. We get others to know us by the life we have lived. When we pass on to go home with Jesus people will remember us by our works and deeds. Our deeds and work show what type of person we really were. It takes work to accomplish any thing in this life. If we want a good education we study, we want to hold a good job we need to work hard, if we want friends we need to work on our relationships with them.

  49. Life is your work means that once you find work that you like you will devote yourself to it. Even if others think you are insane for pursuing it, it is what you think that matters. Often someones life work is not understood until after they die.

  50. Life is work means that you put all your time and energy into making your life better and improving the surrounding situations around you for the things and people that you care about most. It often takes drastic measurements for people to realize that you should try a little harder and push yourself a little farther to reach your goals in life.

  51. life is yor work
    i think it means life is what you make it what you put in is what youll get out.

