Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Hero Story

The My Hero Project (www.myhero.com) is a global learning community that missions to use media and technology to celebrate the best of humanity and to empower people of all ages to realize their own potential to effect positive change in the world.

This year our OHDELA 11th and 12th graders will be using the My Hero Project to examine heroes in their own lives and what can make them a hero to others.


  1. "What [might] the quote “Life is your Work”...mean?"

    At first glance, the phrase closely resembles its inverse--"work is your life". However, the meaning, like its wording, is entirely opposite.

    I believe that in order for "life" to be your work, that your work must be life giving. A firefighter and law enforcement officer are two common examples, and for a reason. They are excellent examples of men and women who have made "life" their work. To understand that phrase, perhaps using its inverse might help. If you made death your work, it is obvious that you focused your efforts on bringing death, destruction, and pain. Now, if one were to make "life" their work, then we can assume the opposite is true--they bring life, construction, and healing.

    The My Hero Project Site provides stories about men and women who have made "Life" their "work". One gentleman left his promising (and lucrative) future to start an organization that freed human-slaves in other countries. One gentleman started an organization that makes life better for AIDS victims in Africa. One woman built a company that gave skilled seamstresses in Brazil an opportunity to use their skills to bring in an income for them. The list goes on...

    The words we speak and the things we do all bring one of two things--life or death. Choosing to make life your work is dedicating your efforts and focus to bringing life to others. It is not required of one to travel to Brazil and start a company for the poor to do these things, though it is certainly commendable. Every day, each of us have opportunities to bring life or death through how we treat others. By putting others before ourselves and demonstrating that we care enough to sacrifice our time and other assess for the good of another. We make "life our work".

    -Spencer, 12th Grade

  2. I think it means that you have to work at doing all you can to make your like a success. Like work at being loving or being happy.

  3. What I think (mite) mean "Life is your Work".

    -What I think what "Life is your work" mean is someone that works for what they need or what they want and doesnt have to ask the government for help.

    There are so many good heros but I one I picked I think she did something really cool by getting a thousand dollar loan and a dream. What she did is she envisioned a place for substance like abusers,former felons, and others who hit rock bottom, through their own efforts, to be able to turn their lifes around. She built an empire grossing 20 million dollars a year with these locations through like New York, New Mexico, North Carolina and Los Angeles but she never once accepted a single peeny of government funds she did it all on her own.

  4. I think "Life is your Work" means that you decide what you are going to do wether you get to be a hero yourself or just do the little things that help others in there eyes you are a big hero.

  5. "Life is your Work" could mean that what you do with your life should mean something to you personally. If you don't accomplish anything with your life, your work was pretty much wasted. If you work hard at a job to get a pay check, then you should also work hard in your life to accomplish your goals.

  6. I believe the comment "Life is your work" shows how hard life can be. Life is always work, the things we say, do and enjoy are all work. To live comfortably takes a lot of work. You are always working no matter what kind -of life you live and I think this is what the quote means.

  7. “Life is your work” Blog:
    Working is a very large part of our lives. It provides us with food, shelter, clothing, ect. Without these things everyday life would be difficult to say the least. Living life to the fullest includes working, although sometimes we do not like it, it is essential. Since working is such a huge part of the way we live I believe we should pursue our dreams, try to build up others with our line of work, and enjoy what we do. The philosopher Confucius explains this well in saying: "Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.”

    - Joshua M
    OHDELA, 11th Grade

  8. I think that the quote "Life is your work" means that it's your job to achieve what you what during your lifetime. You only have one chance to live so make it count. Human lives are short and many obstacles block the way to ones dreams. It's merely up to you on whether or not you want to work towards those dreams.

    Many people have accomplished making their life their work as the project we are working implies. They achieved their dreams and were able to inspire many others to do the same.

  9. The quote "life is your work" will mean something different to everyone. I personally think that it means, you are given the gift of life, and it is up to you what you do with it. It is your "work" because you are creating a path for yourself and who you are. So, "Life is your work" because your working on creating your own individual life.
    Kaylee E. OHDELA

  10. The quote "Life is Your Work" might mean that Life itself is a job. It's something you have to work at every single day. Life is your work because it is your way of achieving the things that you want to achieve and changing the things that you want to be changed and that need to be changed.

    Miciah Devantier
    OHDELA 11th Grade

  11. I take the quote life is your work to mean that life is like a piece of ART work and the picture turns out based on what you make of life. If you do good by people and you try to live a good life you're "work" will show it.

    Arianna W - Ohdela

  12. what do I think (life is your work) mean. i think that you want to do everything in your power to succeed at your work even if people try to put you down. you push and strive till you get what you had your eyes set on.
    Molly B - Ohdela 11th grade

  13. The quote “Life is your work” emphasizes the importance of your profession and how you choose to spend your time. These choices should not be made hastily or without thought about the impact you’ll have. Each one of us has been given a precious and powerful gift: life. What we choose to do with the life we have been given is entirely up to us. I believe the quote “Life is your work” would encourage us to leave behind the temporary and solely selfish satisfaction of living for ourselves alone and choose more wisely the forever gratifying position of living for others first.

  14. I just think the quote "Life is your work" means that life is WORK. Nothing can be done in life without it. To make a difference means you have to put yourself into it and work for changes.
    -Abigail B
    OHDELA 11th grade

  15. I think the quote "Life is your work" means that no matter what work comes to a person he should do his best to complete it.

    Emily Grogean

  16. I think the quote "Life is Your Work" means that you live your whole life trying to help othersa in need.

  17. I think that the quote "Life is your work" means that in life, you have duties and task that need to be accomplished just as in work. In life you must work hard to get where you need or want to be.

  18. The quote "Life is your work" means that, in life there is work. In work there is life, it means that the work you do is the life you live. Living is working physicaly and mentaly so in all, Live is your work.

  19. In my opinion, "Life is your Work" means that you shape your life the way you want it, you do your best to make it the best it can be.
    -Alan Waters, 11th grade

  20. The quote "Life is Your Work" means that you shape your life into what you want and that you should learn from your mistakes and do the best that you can no matter what. Also be the best that you can be.
    Natasha Whiteside- 12th Grade

  21. I believe the quote "Life is your work" could mean that sometimes life is difficult and has complications and you have to work at it just you do a regular job.

    Alexis Lutsch-Grade 12

  22. I think the quote means that you have to work to better your life.

  23. The quote "Life is to work" sounds like it means no life is life unless you work hard to get it. You can't jus sit around and expect to have a good life, you have to work to get it.

  24. I Think that the quote "life is your work" means that your life should be what you work on the most trying to succeed on. you have to try hard to make yourself happy, and people you love. live life to your fullest. this quote probably means that you have to work for a better life. if you want to be successful in your life, you need to work at it hard. because a successful job and life doesn't come easy.

  25. Well I think the qoute "Life is your Work" can mean so many things, like life is work or life is what you make it. You can do so much in life and you have to make it YOUR life with YOUR work in it. It's not anyone else's work to live your life. It's your job to live you're own life, don't let anyone make you're own decisions.

  26. I think "Life is your Work" can mean many things. One possible meaning could be the work you do in your life becomes your legacy. Another meaning everything you do in life is working towards something.
    Matthew Kohler
    12th Grade ~ Ohdela

  27. When I first read the quote “Life is your work” I got the feeling that it meant one is constantly on the clock if you will. For instance, we all get down sometimes, you know feel like life is pointless because things aren’t going our way but we have to recall that our lives are not only our own; we’re working for others. We have a responsibility to make a change, to induce a smile, to heal, to inspire, all kinds of work. Some of the work is subtle but it’s still apart of our job. So I suppose I see it like this: do your best job because during your entire life you are working to make this existence a little better.

  28. When I play tennis, I love it when racket and ball connect in the sweet spot. It feels so right and powerful. When "Life is your work," you can feel the same power. A hero works in their sweet spot and we admire their life.

  29. In the quote “Life is your Work” means exactly what it means. Most of your life is that you have to do a lot of work like chores, work when you get a job, and do homework in school. Probably when someone says to you at the end of hard day they would say “Life is your Work”. They would see the only thing you do is work most of the time and not see you do anything fun.

  30. I think life is work means that the amount of effort you put into things in your life gives back the amount of payoff. For example if you work hard get good grades and go to college you are likley to get a good job.

  31. what i think the quote "life is your work" means: people in life always work, they have to, if they didn't they wouldn't be living. you have to work to make money & have money to live off of, like food, clothing & shelter; the basic needs of life.
    -Jack Morgan

  32. To me the quote “Life is Work” means that the things you encounter in everyday life don’t just happen, you have to work at them. When you do it is then, and only then, that you receive a result.

  33. To me the quote "Life Is Work" means you cant just go day by day in life flying by the seat of your pants, you have to work in many ways to get to the place you wanna be in life, and sometimes doing that means you have to work HARD..

  34. I think life is work means life takes effort. Everyone wants to accomplish something. You have to try and reach your highest potential

  35. I would think that the quote "Life is your Work" means that "Life" is more than just living day to day, flowing with time, but that it is actually something you have to work at. Things like; taking care of your body, making sure it is well and healthy; taking care of your mind and social connections; and takeing care of you spiritual needs, and I believe the only way of doing that is to live a god imagined life (Which is to say, the way god has plan for our life to be like)are all things that our lives need to actually live not just function.

    These components of life are very difficult to maintain, however.It is so easy for us as humans to just sit back and go through the motions. But if we really want to be alive and not just live, we have to work for it!

    - Nick, 11th Grade

  36. When I hear the saying "Life is your work" I believe it means that everything you do in life is to serve an overall purpose. A greater picture will eventually be formed by the effort that one puts into it. You are working up to something until eventually you are to continue on and hopefully someone will be there to either honor or pass on your life's ambitions.

  37. When I hear "Life is your work" I think it means everything you do in life your always working some how.

  38. I think that the project is great for us to participate in. I have already blogged about Life is your work. It is interesting to read what others think a hero is and also to read about other hero's.

  39. I think that "Life is your work" means that everything you do you are working. I also think that it means being happy and just living is what you're suppose to be doing. And sometimes that is work in itself.

    -Marisa Strunk
    OHDELA, 11th grade

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